/** * Sell – Bootstrap 5 e-commerce template v. 2.0.0 * Homepage: https://themes.getbootstrap.com/product/sell-bootstrap-4-e-commerce-template/ * Copyright 2021, Bootstrapious - https://bootstrapious.com */ "use strict"; $(function () { // ------------------------------------------------------- // // Multilevel dropdowns // ------------------------------------------------------ // $(".dropdown-menu [data-bs-toggle='dropdown']").on("click", function (event) { console.log("dropdown-menu click!!"); event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); // close other dropdowns $(this).parents(".dropdown-menu").first().find(".show").removeClass("show"); $(this).parents(".dropdown-menu").first().find("[aria-expanded='true']").attr("aria-expanded", false); // mark these as open $(this).attr("aria-expanded", true); $(this).siblings(".dropdown-menu").toggleClass("show"); // and close submenus when the main dropdown gets closed $(this) .parents(".nav-item.dropdown") .on("hidden.bs.dropdown", function (e) { $(".dropdown-submenu .show").removeClass("show"); $(".dropdown-submenu [aria-expanded='true']").attr("aria-expanded", false); }); }); // ------------------------------------------------------- // // Transparent navbar dropdowns // // = do not make navbar // transparent if dropdown's still open // / make transparent again when dropdown's closed // ------------------------------------------------------ // var navbar = $(".navbar"), navbarCollapse = $(".navbar-collapse"); $(".navbar.bg-transparent .dropdown").on("shown.bs.dropdown", function () { makeNavbarWhite(); }); $(".navbar.bg-transparent .dropdown").on("hidden.bs.dropdown", function () { // if we're not on mobile, make navbar transparent // after we close the dropdown if (!navbarCollapse.hasClass("show") && navbar.find(".dropdown-menu.show").length == 0) { makeNavbarTransparent(); if (navbar.find(".dropdown.show").length > 0) { } } }); $(".navbar.bg-transparent .navbar-collapse").on("show.bs.collapse", function () { makeNavbarWhite(); }); $(".navbar.bg-transparent .navbar-collapse").on("hide.bs.collapse", function () { makeNavbarTransparent(); 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}); // ------------------------------------------------------- // // Open & Close Search Panel // ------------------------------------------------------ // $('[data-bs-toggle="search"]').on("click", function () { $(".search-area-wrapper").show(); $(".search-area-input").focus(); }); $(".search-area-wrapper .close-btn").on("click", function () { $(".search-area-wrapper").hide(); }); // ------------------------------------------------------- // // GLightbox // ------------------------------------------------------ // const lightbox = GLightbox({ touchNavigation: true, //loop: true, autoplayVideos: true, }); // ------------------------------------------------------- // // Image zoom // ------------------------------------------------------ // $('[data-bs-toggle="zoom"]').each(function () { $(this).zoom({ url: $(this).attr("data-image"), duration: 0, }); }); // ------------------------------------------------------- // // Make a sticky navbar on scrolling // ------------------------------------------------------ // $(window).scroll(function () { var body = $("body"), stickyNavbar = $("nav.navbar-sticky"), header = $(".header"), topbar = $(".top-bar"); function makeItFixed(x) { if ($(window).scrollTop() > x) { stickyNavbar.addClass("fixed-top"); if (!header.hasClass("header-absolute")) { body.css("padding-top", stickyNavbar.outerHeight()); body.data("smooth-scroll-offset", stickyNavbar.outerHeight()); } } else { stickyNavbar.removeClass("fixed-top"); body.css("padding-top", "0"); } } // if .top-bar exists, affix the navbar when we scroll past .top-bar // else affix it immediately if (stickyNavbar.length > 0 && topbar.length > 0) { makeItFixed(topbar.outerHeight()); } else if (stickyNavbar.length > 0) { makeItFixed(0); } }); // ------------------------------------------------------- // // Increase/Decrease product amount // ------------------------------------------------------ // $(".btn-items-decrease").on("click", function () { var input = $(this).siblings(".input-items"); if (parseInt(input.val(), 10) >= 1) { input.val(parseInt(input.val(), 10) - 1); } }); $(".btn-items-increase").on("click", function () { var input = $(this).siblings(".input-items"); input.val(parseInt(input.val(), 10) + 1); }); // ------------------------------------------------------- // // Scroll to top button // ------------------------------------------------------ // $(window).on("scroll", function () { if ($(window).scrollTop() >= 1500) { $("#scrollTop").fadeIn(); } else { $("#scrollTop").fadeOut(); } }); $("#scrollTop").on("click", function () { $("html, body").animate( { scrollTop: 0, }, 1000 ); }); // ------------------------------------------------------- // // Colour form control // ------------------------------------------------------ // $(".btn-colour").on("click", function (e) { var button = $(this); if (button.attr("data-allow-multiple") === undefined) { button.parents(".colours-wrapper").find(".btn-colour").removeClass("active"); } button.toggleClass("active"); }); // ------------------------------------------------------- // // Button-style form labels used in detail.html // ------------------------------------------------------ // $(".detail-option-btn-label").on("click", function () { var button = $(this); button.parents(".detail-option").find(".detail-option-btn-label").removeClass("active"); button.toggleClass("active"); }); // ------------------------------------------------------- // // Circle Slider // ------------------------------------------------------ // var circleSlider = $(".circle-slider"); circleSlider .on({ "initialized.owl.carousel": function () { // we add ..mh-full-screen to the parent section to avoid items below the carousel jumping before the carousel loads circleSlider.parents("section").removeClass("mh-full-screen"); }, }) .owlCarousel({ loop: true, margin: 0, smartSpeed: 500, responsiveClass: true, navText: [ '', '', ], responsive: { 0: { items: 1, nav: false, dots: true, }, 600: { items: 1, nav: false, dots: true, }, 1120: { items: 1, dots: false, nav: true, }, }, onRefresh: function () { circleSlider.find(".item").height(""); }, onRefreshed: function () { var maxHeight = 0; var items = circleSlider.find(".item"); items.each(function () { var itemHeight = $(this).outerHeight(); if (itemHeight > maxHeight) { maxHeight = itemHeight; } }); items.height(maxHeight); }, }); // ------------------------------------------------------- // // Home Slider // ------------------------------------------------------ // var homeSlider = $(".home-slider"); homeSlider.owlCarousel({ loop: true, margin: 0, smartSpeed: 500, responsiveClass: true, autoplay: true, navText: [ '', '', ], responsive: { 0: { items: 1, nav: false, dots: true, }, 600: { items: 1, nav: false, dots: true, }, 1120: { items: 1, dots: false, nav: true, }, }, onRefresh: function () { homeSlider.find(".item").height(""); }, onRefreshed: function () { var maxHeight = 0; var items = homeSlider.find(".item"); items.each(function () { var itemHeight = $(this).height(); if (itemHeight > maxHeight) { maxHeight = itemHeight; } }); items.height(maxHeight); }, }); // ------------------------------------------------------- // // Home Full Slider // ------------------------------------------------------ // var homeFullSlider = $(".home-full-slider"); homeFullSlider.owlCarousel({ loop: true, margin: 0, smartSpeed: 500, responsiveClass: true, navText: [ '', '', ], responsive: { 0: { items: 1, nav: false, dots: true, }, 600: { items: 1, nav: false, dots: true, }, 1120: { items: 1, dots: false, nav: true, }, }, onRefresh: function () { homeFullSlider.find(".item").height(""); }, onRefreshed: function () { var maxHeight = 0; var items = homeFullSlider.find(".item"); items.each(function () { var itemHeight = $(this).height(); if (itemHeight > maxHeight) { maxHeight = itemHeight; } }); items.height(maxHeight); }, }); // ------------------------------------------------------- // // Product Slider // ------------------------------------------------------ // $(".product-slider").owlCarousel({ loop: false, margin: 0, nav: false, dots: true, navText: [ '', '', ], smartSpeed: 400, responsiveClass: true, responsive: { 0: { items: 1, }, 600: { items: 2, }, 1000: { items: 5, }, }, }); // ------------------------------------------------------- // // Detail Carousel with thumbs // ------------------------------------------------------ // $(".detail-slider").owlCarousel({ loop: true, items: 1, thumbs: true, thumbsPrerendered: true, responsiveClass: true, responsive: { 0: { items: 1, dots: true, }, 768: { items: 1, dots: false, }, }, }); // ------------------------------------------------------- // // Detail Full Carousel // ------------------------------------------------------ // $(".detail-full").owlCarousel({ loop: true, items: 1, dots: true, responsiveClass: false, }); // ------------------------------------------------------- // // Brands Slider // ------------------------------------------------------ -// var brandsSlider = $(".brands-slider"); brandsSlider.owlCarousel({ loop: true, margin: 20, dots: true, nav: false, smartSpeed: 400, responsiveClass: true, responsive: { 0: { items: 2, }, 600: { items: 3, }, 1000: { items: 6, loop: false, }, }, onRefresh: function () { brandsSlider.find(".item").height(""); }, onRefreshed: function () { var maxHeight = 0; var items = brandsSlider.find(".item"); items.each(function () { var itemHeight = $(this).height(); if (itemHeight > maxHeight) { maxHeight = itemHeight; } }); if (maxHeight > 0) { items.height(maxHeight); } }, }); // ------------------------------------------------------- // // Bootstrap tooltips // ------------------------------------------------------- // $('[data-bs-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip(); // ------------------------------------------------------- // // Smooth Scroll // ------------------------------------------------------- // var smoothScroll = new SmoothScroll("a[data-smooth-scroll]", { offset: 80, }); // ------------------------------------------------------- // // Object Fit Images // ------------------------------------------------------- // objectFitImages(); });